Saturday, 4 July 2015

Practice night...

I'm in my van!! Ok I'm in a lay-by about 1 mile from home, but I'm in my van! Milo is curled up on sofa one and I'm curled up on sofa two.  My mum and Pip have just left having popped over with a Chinese takeaway, and they took away the dirty plates too.  So here I am having my first practice session and so far so good.  Although the sun is still shining and it's far too early to go to bed.  And Milo did spend the first hour thinking I'd parked up to take him for a walk. And he did get a bit upset when I went into the bathroom and shut the door, he couldn't quite figure out where I'd gone!

Pip made a fantastic job of my fur padded steps up to my 'bedroom' and my mum very kindly bubble wrapped all my keepsakes for storage. I managed to put nearly all my bits and pieces in the van and still have space available.

I've just realised I'm parked rather close to a bus stop... Hopefully limited service at weekends! Milo is being the perfect guard dog and barking ferociously at everyone who happens to walk past, which pleases me. Well no bath tonight :( but will get to bed early, just hope I sleep well...

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