Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Tod the rasta man...

Met Tod whilst walking on the beach last night. A rasta man who told me about the 'spirit of the flesh'... He then offered me 'the herbal drugs'... He had with him a dog named Claire. I told him all about Milo...

My Yorkshire puds were not a great success. I had no weighing scales, no cake tins and the whisk packed in part way through whisking. They were described by one person as 'meaty'. Arsenal did win though.

Today the sun shone bright and hot. I spent most of the day on the beach reading my book. I ate angel pasta pesto chicken and drank light beer. I watched a boy surfing with a parachute, really quite impressive.

Today my air conditioning was repaired after it packed in last night. When I returned to my room it was like being greeted by a huge hug, I am so happy. My neighbour Mr B also knocked on my door with a gift of water melon. Life is good...


  1. Sounds idyllic hope your recharging your soul .xxx

  2. I love that you have that strength and independence to visit these places on your own:) I keep trying it but find I miss people, friends. x enjoying your adventures from a comfortable sofa. x

    1. Sit back and enjoy Peter x I do miss my family tho x

  3. I'm glad life is treating you well NIcci - it sounds lovely. Am liking the sound of all those army personnel :)
