Saturday, 14 May 2016

My biggest toe is my big toe...

Had a lovely beachy day yesterday. The weather was gorgeous, it was so nice to see my toes. We went to four beaches in total, made the most of it. I was going to stop over night in Lahinch but couldn't find a good place to stop. So carried on driving and stopped in the Rock Shop for coffee. I asked the manager there if I could park overnight and he kindly said yes but also recommended a lovely beach front location two minutes away. We chose the latter. Only the locals seem to know of these little gems.

While I was in the Rock shop I bought myself a little 'angel wish jar'. All you have to do is write your wishes on the scroll, place them in the jar and the Angel will grant your wishes! Simple as.  I've probably fallen for a load of gob idly goop but I don't care. It was only two euros. Although I did have to write really small on the scroll to fit all my wishes on. Now I just sit back and wait...

Tonight I'm in the lovely village of Doolin. We've booked into a campsite here. Unfortunately there are no grocery stores within walking distance so tonight I'm eating my emergency tinned ham. The campsite is really nice but I've decided I'm not a campsite kind of girl. Too many people, dogs, bikes, tents and motor homes! I think the fact it's a weekend and the sun is shining is making me feel like I'm on a housing estate with noisy neighbours wearing wife beater vests, baseball caps and all having bbq's.

I'm quite excited for tomorrow as I'm off to meet Willie Daly the famous matchmaker man. The lovely Julie has set up a meeting for us. I am going with him to a local horse fair. He tells me he may have a gentleman or two for me and knows of one man who only requests that the lady's biggest toe is her big toe...

Perfect toes...

Angels wishes jar...

Another glorious sunset...


  1. Glad your sounding so much better.

  2. May all your wishes come true, my friend.

  3. Don't forget to see the Cliffs of Mohair.

    1. They charge you to look! Grand Canynon - free Ayers Rock - free
      Cliffs of Moher - pay at the barrier...!? :/

  4. Dont judge a book by the cover Nicci ,some wonderful people are not the most handsome I hope your enjoying your trip thinking of you Maggie

    1. I know Maggie, I've had some 'ugly' boyfriends in the past ;)
