My flight home was problem free. I kept half expecting the pilot to pull over and lift the bonnet. I flew Rome to Liverpool with Blue Air and they are quite a decent airline, free food and drink too. Fiumicino airport is lovely too. I did struggle in the toilets though. Very sensitive automatic flush system thinks you have finished when in fact you have just bent forward to retrieve mobile phone falling from back pocket!
Back home with my Milo is testing my emotions. I think he is punishing me for leaving him. He wants to spend all his time with Pip and her boyfriend and give me the cold shoulder. So I've succumbed to letting him sleep beside me at night.
Now I'm in the UK I'm back to the dreaded question I keep hearing "what are you going to do next Nicci?" And at the moment I don't know. I'm about to look after my mum for a bit as she is having some surgery, but after that I don't know what to do. I'd love to take the Beast and go exploring the English coast but at the moment I can't even afford a tank of petrol! So thinking cap on for me as I'm not quite ready to stop my journey yet...
Ready for a car rally...
Fun in the sun...
Where's Milo? Found a puddle...
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