Thursday, 26 November 2015

Leap year = "Mi vuoi sposare?"...

Well it's been about two weeks since I've written on my blog and I must say I'm missing it so much. Since I got back from San Pedro I've been quite busy organising my future. I've got myself a winter job at a reputable local restaurant, working on the bar and also serving tables. I am struggling with the fast paced environment after spending the summer never having to worry what day or even what time it was. That was the best feeling in the world. But needs must, I need to save as much money as possible if I want to go travelling again. My dream is to try Italy, it's just going to take a little more planning, like learning to speak Italian! "Mi vuoi sposare?" (Well it will be a leap year!) I've also just found out my friend is going to be in Italy for the summer, she has rented a large beach apartment for three months.

So I'm now working as many hours as I can, which works well with Milo, as I only ever start at lunch time so he gets his big walk every morning. We've both enjoyed going to our old walking haunts, shame about all the rain though. I've Sorn the Beast and parked it up in my mums garden, where I spend most days hiding out with Milo and writing my book. It's still all a bit higildy pigildy but I'm loving reliving all my summer memories. I truly had the time of my life and feel so privileged to have experienced what I did. I sadly didn't get my happy ever after but Mr P will always have a special place in my heart. 

So many people say they admire what I did and that I am very brave. I don't think of myself as brave (maybe crazy!) I just had an idea and saw it through, I came upon many obstacles but that is all they were, obstacles. I moved them, ignored them, jumped over them or faced them head on and dealt with them. I think anyone could do what I did, I'm just grateful I got to do it with Milo :) ...


  1. Hi Nikki, i've just enjoyed reading your latest update & pleased to hear you're settled in a job that still gives you time for Milo & writing your book. Loving the photos too. Love from Pat & Jake the Jack Russell. :-) xx

    1. Hi Pat and Jake, good to hear from you. Hopefully I'll have more updates over the coming weeks :) xx

  2. Hi Nikki, i've decided that when your book is published i'm going to buy each of my friends a copy for their birthday, they all like to read & are also dog owners. I'm a hopeless shopper & never know what to get & i usually end up buying gift cards, i'm sure they'll enjoy your book as much as i will. Love from Pat & Jake. :-) xx

    1. Oh Pat that is such a lovely thing to say and so encouraging x let's hope you have millions of friends! ;) xx

  3. Jake & i would just like to wish you, your family & Milo a very happy new year. x

    1. And a happy new year to both of you, let's hope it's a good one :) xx
