I've managed to shake off my Stavros admirer and now the only recent attention I've received has come via a sex shop asking me to help promote and fund their latest vibrator. Oh and I'm still receiving follows from 'sexy' girls on Twitter. I did happen to see the other day a little mate for the Mouse. I didn't think there existed a smaller vehicle than the Mouse, but there is. They would make a lovely couple.
Last night I met some of our new paying guests. Unfortunately they were in their bathroom getting dressed at the time! Earlier in the day the key to their door wouldn't work so during the evening I took the handyman upstairs (oooh lala!) having thought the guests were out for the evening, and just barged into their room to be confronted with quite an eyeful. But, in my devious mind, I'm storing this 'broken door' excuse for any tall, dark, handsome potential paying guests that may visit...
Who needs who...
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