Wednesday, 13 February 2019

The Middle of my midlife crisis...

I've done it, I've finally finished my book two: Milo, Me and The Beast The Middle... I have to admit it wasn't any easier second time round; the adventure or the book! But wouldn't life be boring if it was all so easy?  I did have a tremendous amount of help on book two from Milo; as my co author, with each chapter including an input from Milo explaining his side of the story during our adventure. And I must say; Milo says it like it is!

Book two tells of our adventure in Ireland, Portugal, France and more. Living in our motor-home, the Beast, and of my various dating disasters. I've probably missed loads out because I still can't quite believe all I've fitted into these last few years. It's certainly been an adventure; although Milo might interpret that differently! Now that I've written The Beginning and The Middle I guess I should be thinking about writing The End but I don't want it to end!

My publication date for book two is 26th February, which 'coincidentally' is the day Milo and Me are appearing on the TV show This Time Next Year! This could pan out as good or bad... Good as in: someone might like to find out a bit more about Milo and Me. Bad as in: I make such a fool of myself I'll need to go into hiding for the rest of my life!  Anyway, as they say, you get one life, and I intend to make the most of mine...

Book One FREE promotion starting 26/02/2019

Book Two available 26/02/19

Milo, Me and The Beast - always making the most of life :)

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