Sunday, 12 November 2017

My sisters boyfriend is not flirting with me...

I've been staying with my sister and her boyfriend for a while now, they've been most accommodating  towards Milo and me. There are also two cats residing with us who mainly stay out of Milos way and vice versa. It appears Milo is scared of cats and when they do venture out of the bedroom Milo frets like a baby and tends to run to his bed, crying. The black cat is not called Russel.  Russel is the name  embossed in his feeding bowl. I have been calling him Russel for a while now. Russel never comes to me when I call. The black cat is apparently named Babe. And I thought my sisters boyfriend was flirting with me...

Today I got the train over to Liverpool to Saint George's Hall for Remembrance Sunday. It was a befitting tribute to all service men and women, past and present. Thousands of poppy petals were scattered from the roof top of St Georges Hall, it was wonderful. I was also in my element eyeing up all the men in uniform! Later I wandered into town for a coffee and spotted a rather handsome man, loitering nervously, in the doorway of Debenhams. He was in front of the window display of #YouShall have your Christmas wish. Hmm I thought, maybe he is waiting for a blind date, maybe he doesn't know what she looks like, maybe I could approach him and pretend to be said blind date and we would live happily ever after! Whilst I was planning my approach and chat up line "Hi there, so sorry I'm late, have you been waiting long?" He disappeared off into the shop with an equally attractive lady, no doubt the actual love of his life. Hey ho you can't blame a girl for dreaming...

Hello Babe...

Don't call me Russell...

Lest we forget...

Hello Babe...

#YouShall live happily ever after... 

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