Tuesday, 28 November 2017

I miss my sexy knickers...

I am middle aged. I discovered this fact this morning when reading an article about a 'middle aged woman' who is 51. How did this happen without me noticing? I don't want to be 'that woman' I want to remain 'that girl'. I guess now I come to think about it I am slowly becoming older not younger which is how I tend to normally behave.  For one my knickers have got bigger, I remember the day when my knickers were so skimpy I could use them to tie my hair up for a spontaneous act of passion! The only groans I hear from my mouth now are when I have to bend down to put my socks on. Bedtime excitement for me is removing my makeup and putting my jammies on at 7pm.

Online dating is not making me feel any younger, in fact quite the opposite. Most of my messages are from men nearer to my mums age than mine. Talking of my mum she sent me a message the other day quite excited that Paul Hollywood is now single! She thinks I could court his affections by baking him a cake. I told her he was quite out of my league and she then informed me he has brothers I could try. I'm sure she has my best interests at heart, or she's desperate for me to get hitched.

Maybe not as desperate as me though. Last week I went to the Walker Art Gallery in Liverpool on a man hunt. Thinking I might come across a tall dark handsome stranger whilst perusing paintings. Unfortunately all I  came across were large groups of small children on school trips. So I took myself up Bold Street and sat with a coffee to do some people watching. And there he was. My handsome stranger, walking towards me. He was rather breathtaking and we engaged in eye contact, the sort where neither of you let go. He gave me a knowing smile as he walked on by, out of my life. Ha! I don't give up that easy. I grabbed my handbag and started following him through the city. He weaved in and out the crowds of shoppers whilst I followed in hot pursuit, feeling like a mixture of a detective come stalker. Sadly I was wearing six inch heels, couldn't keep up and lost him after about five minutes, which probably was the best outcome as I have no idea what I would have said had I caught up with him... "Wanna see my big knickers?..."

The girl that was verses the woman I am...

My mothers high expectations...

The Walker Art Gallery, empty of men...

Monday, 20 November 2017

Dating dilemmas...

My Beast has had a well overdue clean. I've kept the inside clean but outside was pretty mucky, with bits of moss growing in places. One big soapy yard brush later and he's as good as new, well, besides the rust which is growing as quick as the moss. Whilst cleaning I came across my map of Scotland highlighting our route. It wasn't quite NC500, more of a zig zag journey due to me, so often, getting lost. Nonetheless I loved it all and would do it all again in a heartbeat.

Milo stayed indoors whilst I cleaned the van, mainly because he is scared of hose pipes and thinks yard brushes are to be chased and attacked. Yesterday I bought Milo his first Christmas decoration, it's a cute little snow globe with a reindeer inside who I swear looks the spit of Milo. He didn't seem too impressed when I showed him it.

I'm debating, at the moment, a dilemma on a dating website. It's called mysinglefriend and I've signed up for free. I can read the messages I've been sent by various gentlemen but I have to pay a subscription if I want to reply. As I'm so poor just now I've put off subscribing, but there is an automatic message reply button, one suggesting that the gentleman pays for your subscription. A particular gentleman has sent me a few messages, in the latest one he is suggesting he makes a payment to secure me... He certainly isn't someone I could picture myself being with and I feel it would be unkind to take his money with nothing in return. I guess I could accept his offer and just meet him for coffee to say thank you. But would that not be leading him on? Hmm what to do...

Milo's lookalike Christmas snow globe...

Milo's unimpressed face...

Cleaning the Beast...

Zig zagging Scotland...

Sunday, 12 November 2017

My sisters boyfriend is not flirting with me...

I've been staying with my sister and her boyfriend for a while now, they've been most accommodating  towards Milo and me. There are also two cats residing with us who mainly stay out of Milos way and vice versa. It appears Milo is scared of cats and when they do venture out of the bedroom Milo frets like a baby and tends to run to his bed, crying. The black cat is not called Russel.  Russel is the name  embossed in his feeding bowl. I have been calling him Russel for a while now. Russel never comes to me when I call. The black cat is apparently named Babe. And I thought my sisters boyfriend was flirting with me...

Today I got the train over to Liverpool to Saint George's Hall for Remembrance Sunday. It was a befitting tribute to all service men and women, past and present. Thousands of poppy petals were scattered from the roof top of St Georges Hall, it was wonderful. I was also in my element eyeing up all the men in uniform! Later I wandered into town for a coffee and spotted a rather handsome man, loitering nervously, in the doorway of Debenhams. He was in front of the window display of #YouShall have your Christmas wish. Hmm I thought, maybe he is waiting for a blind date, maybe he doesn't know what she looks like, maybe I could approach him and pretend to be said blind date and we would live happily ever after! Whilst I was planning my approach and chat up line "Hi there, so sorry I'm late, have you been waiting long?" He disappeared off into the shop with an equally attractive lady, no doubt the actual love of his life. Hey ho you can't blame a girl for dreaming...

Hello Babe...

Don't call me Russell...

Lest we forget...

Hello Babe...

#YouShall live happily ever after... 

Sunday, 5 November 2017

Sometimes a girl just needs a cuddle...

I've had a busy kind of week, good, quite good and very good. I had a random invite from a friend to a birthday party. I didn't know anyone there but had a good night non the less. I also received a message from an American boy I met in San Pedro two years ago, he was visiting the UK with his friend and suggested we meet up in Liverpool. They were good fun guys and made me laugh that evening. I left to go home and they carried on partying in the city bringing to mind An American Warewolf in Liverpool movie. I also had a lunch date with someone I met on Tinder, it was our second date and was very pleasant. Will there be a third? I'm not sure. I went to a lovely firework display on Hoylake beach, had coffee with Milo at the Red Fox and played in a kids park at the Harvest Mouse.

This week my lovely next door neighbour knocked at my door to inform me her friend had overheard on BBC Radio Two that a gentleman in Scotland was trying to find that lady who travelled round Scotland in a van with her dog? Hmm, I wonder if he'll find me? I wonder who he is? Also this week I received an interesting message from someone I don't know praising me on my style of writing, he provided me with lots of positive feedback and plenty of encouragement to write that book! This in turn led me to spend the whole day in my van writing some more of my book. But the best bit for me this week was trying to arrange a meeting with a publisher who is interested in publishing my book, mega excited is an understatement.

Weird thing is although I've had a really good week I'm now sitting on the couch with Milo feeling really down. Milo is on edge because of the fireworks and is in need of lots of cuddles. I'm just probably feeling sad due to a lack of cuddles...

Wearing high heels...

Having fun...

Oh wherefore art thou cuddles...