Sunday, 13 August 2017

Dear Vladimir Putin...

I've had one of those daft ideas week this week. I think talking to Love Guru James Preece has got me  into a positive mindset. Or maybe not. I began by writing to Vladimir Putin. I've always wanted to go to Russia and thought being a guest of his would be the best way to go. He hasn't replied. Yet.
Then when I was filling up with petrol I noticed one is able to advertise on the handle of the petrol pump. So all I need to do is pop a photo of me on it with my contact details stating the fact that I am single and looking for love. Hmmm, £75 per week for a minimum of four weeks seems a tad expensive to get a date. So I've joined a free website called meet where I might meet likeminded crazy people at various local events. My first event booked is a meeting in Liverpool based on the Law of Attraction. I'm hoping I'll get to learn some skills and make some poor soul marry me!

I truly need to turn my life around as I'm working so hard just now and all I'm getting is holes in my socks.
Milo has had a good week, he's had lots of bonus walks (probably attributed to holes in socks) and even got to attend a local dog show today. It was held in Hoylake and he was quite well behaved. He even won a rosette in the behaviours category. Although as we were collecting our rosette he spotted some biscuits on the display table and nabbed the lot. We also entered the six legged category (mine being the extra two legs) but I think the fact that Milo recognised the judge as the vet who chopped his balls off did us no favours.

We travelled to the dog show in the Beast and now I've got the urge to go off somewhere in it. I think once the schools are back I might plan a mini adventure, how far is Russia...

Milo with his rosette...

Six legs... 

So well behaved... 

Call me... 

Need to turn my life around...

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