Sunday 12 March 2017

Yuk! he snogged his sister...

Washed hair, bit of lippy and a pair of high heels. Then off I went to meet Mr Handsome Stranger on our 'date'. And there he was, sitting at the same table in the same cafe, even wearing the same clothes. But, I noticed, as I walked towards him, his hand was gently rocking the pram beside him and he wasn't smiling at me but at his very much alive wife. Not quite the scenario I had in my head. He was supposed to arrive after me, clutching a bouquet of flowers, chosen to match the blue of my eyes, when he would bend down on one knee and declare he had been unable to stop thinking of me all week and would I give him the great pleasure of becoming his (second) wife...
I'd entered too far into the paved cafe area to walk on past and had to take the only available seat, directly in front of him. I then spent the next hour, with my back to him, listening to his happy family chatter. Although, as I couldn't understand a word they said, I  kidded myself he was chatting to his sister whilst cooing over his nephew in the pram!

Ha, back in the real world I left the cafe and took Milo for a walk in the park and was rather happy to find the park cafe open. I treated myself to a long, cold beer, the sun was shining and I felt a little happier. I even picked myself a small bunch of daffodils from the hedges, which I have placed on the windowsill of my 'conservatory'.

On my way home I got some bones for the dogs and managed to get some peace and quiet in the van to crack on with more writing. I've not done much writing this week as there are roadworks in front of the house. It actually feels like they are rebuilding the M1. I'm seeing men through all the windows and not a looker amongst them...

Flowers in the conservatory...

I don't need a man for flowers...


Peeking at the road men... 


  1. I picked some daffodils (and snowdrops) to perk up my "conservatory" too!! x

    1. Nice, I couldn't decide between the east or west wing so settled for the conservatory ;) X
