Saturday, 15 September 2018

This is Big Brother ~ Nicci please come to the Diary Room...

Earlier this year I was contacted by the producers of Big Brother asking me if I would be interested in being in this last series! Me! They asked me! They said they had researched my story and saw me as an ideal housemate, one with something to say. Well, obviously after watching last nights housemates enter the house it is apparent I'm not in there, which is a shame as free board and lodging would have been quite nice for Milo and Me. Maybe that's why they didn't choose me, because I did, at one point, ask if Milo would be able come with me? Or maybe it's down to ageism? It appears the housemate ages range from 18 to 32, perhaps a 52 year old, granny-to-be, prancing about in her bikini, would have looked out of place?! Anyway, whatever the reason is, I'm feeling pretty good with the fact that they even asked me. Although, my mum, who loves Big Brother, was mortified. "What if you use the 'F' word? "or have sex on television?" she declared. Well I rarely use the 'F' word and as for sex... another rarity in my life!

Maybe, in the future, Endemol will create a new Big Brother, one with grannies and dogs and people who haven't had much of a love life lately!
So, here I am. Not in the Big Brother house, but working in a postal room, with lots of other people, cameras on us at every angle, and my diary room is just my blog. Oh, my life...

It should have been me!!...

I reckon MiloandMe would have fitted in quite nicely...

"8.18 in the Big Brother house ~ Nicci and Milo sleep..."

Sunday, 9 September 2018

From the front cover of national press to preparing my butty box...

Phew! I did it, I completed a whole week of 'normal' work. I think Milo must wonder where I disappear to for eight hours every day, but luckily whilst the daylight hours are light he is still benefiting from two walks a day. I, on the other hand, am struggling with routine. To do the same thing each day feels quite alien to me and I don't know if I could ever get used to it. My whole working life has been mainly shift patterns and, of course, the last three years have been a bit of a mixed pot every day. But needs must and I'm sure I'll get used to it soon enough, although it is a temporary contract, up to Christmas, and goodness knows what crazy plan I will have come up with by then!

This week I received word from the Beast's new owners. I was overwhelmed to say the least. Dramatic, I know, but it was like hearing of a child I'd reluctantly given up for adoption. The photographs clearly showed he had been tidied up a bit, I was like "Oh gosh, they've cut his fringe!" "But it suits him" and "Oh, he looks so different" "But he looks happy". So, irrelevant of how sad I was giving him up, it's evident to see he is very happy with his new family. I made the right decision. And, bonus, his new family have kept my 'Milo, Me and The Beast' book posters in the windows!

I've just read my blog entries from three years ago. How different my life was then... I was baking cakes on the Aga for Mr P, merrily riding my bicycle through the grounds of the Big House, and preparing for photo shoots with national newspapers. Oh well, must dash ~ have to make my butties for work tomorrow! Life ~ it's a funny old game, just glad my names not Roxanne Pallett...

How it once was...

It really did all happen :) ... 

ps; hate to ask, but if anyone has actually read my book I would be eternally grateful for any review, good or bad, on amazon. Thank you, thank you, thank you :)

Sunday, 2 September 2018

I've got nothing ~ so maybe pigs might fly...

Tomorrow I begin a new chapter in my life. I re-enter the real world, the one I thought I had escaped.  I start a new job, a sort of real one, one where I have to get up at the same time every day and work Monday to Friday. And I must admit I am not happy. For over three years now I have led a somewhat hectic life; travel, adventure, opportunity, romance, heartache and hunger . But I've loved every minute of it ~ living in different places, sometimes not knowing where I would be tomorrow ~ has only made me appreciate what I have. But those three years have cost me dearly and the big bad credit card is now rearing his ugly head and demanding his repayment. So, I am now going to be a grown-up and take some responsibility. If I can work really hard, for the next few months at least, then maybe I can create a new adventure, a different adventure, and possibly a cheaper one!

Maybe a motor-home company will ask me to trial their new model. Maybe a holiday company will ask me to critique their new destination. Maybe an agency will ask Milo to model their brand. Maybe a tall dark handsome stranger will ask me to be his wife, maybe pigs might fly...

Anyway, whatever happens now doesn't matter because the best is yet to come ~ my beautiful granddaughter's arrival in January ~ that will see me through the next few months.

They say 'Something is better than Nothing'
But what if 'Nothing is better than Something'
Nothing can hurt me now
Nothing is better than clean bedding after a bath
Nothing cheers me up better than Milo's love
Nothing beats PJ's, chocolate and a glass of wine
Nothing is wrong...

When you've got Nothing but you've got it All...